1335 Frankford

Pedal For Purpose Events in Philly, Chicago and NYC

La Colombe cafes across three cities will be hosting events for Pedal For Purpose, a cross-country cycling trip led by six students. The tour ends in NYC with stops on the way to Chicago as well as our hometown Philadelphia. Join us to celebrate this 3,200+ mile journey. Please check out Pedal For Purpose’s website for more information about their tour. You can buy tickets, reserve your spots, or donate in the below links:

Chicago – Randolph Cafe (Randolp and Morgan St.)
July 25, 7-9pm
Philadelphia – Dilworth Cafe (Across City Hall)
August 7, 7-10pm
Finale Event NYC – Noho Cafe (4th and Lafayette)
August 8, 7:30-10pm

Bicycles Against Poverty distributes bikes in Uganda that help with access to basic needs of life, such as transportation to health clinics, clean water, markets to trade goods, and schools. Each participant pays back for the bikes in monthly installments, just a few dollars per month, to eventually own the bicycle.

The bike beneficiaries attend two free workshops, a bicycle repair seminar and a money management workshop, which are both taught by local community leaders. These bicycles will serve as a tool for income generating activities, community cooperation, and access to social services – such as healthcare.
BicyclesAgainstPoverty.org || Facebook || Twitter