1335 Frankford

Photo Album: First TNT in La Colombe D.C. Cafe

All photos courtesy of Connor Mallon

Philip, our Workshop roaster, delivering his first pull of the night.
Anxiously awaiting judges’ responses
D.C. coffee community mingling
D.C. cafe manager Greg Smith, barista Mike Trone representing with the “dove” hat, and Josey Dear from Philadelphia roastery
BGA executive board member Colin Whitcomb and John Reithmaier of District Bean (districtbean.com) organized the event and MC’d during the TNT
Baristas prepping the milk
Gathered around the bar
Yui’s first round
Through the giant window
Arnold judging
John introducing the prize for the winner
Some pours on the marble counter
This is how we do the blind judging (no eyeholes)
Graham and Marina (top 2 of the night) with Greg and John.
The crowd
Graham with his prizes
Mandatory overhead latte shot
Sweet smell of success
Graham with the paparazzi