1335 Frankford

Friday Escape: The Zambia Side

Today’s Friday Escape is Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe and we are all about this shot from Todd’s latest trip to the Zambia side of this amazing natural feature. Victoria Falls is a special place for him – it’s where he got married and it’s a place he returns to during big milestones in his life. In the latest episode of Uncommon Grounds, Todd visited Zambia around the 20th anniversary of La Colombe to find a batch of beans that would be perfect to mark this milestone. During the sourcing trip, of course he had to make a trip to the falls.

As you can see, Todd is always pushing the envelope, going just a little bit past the “Do Not Cross” line, challenging the rules without completely smashing them. (Well, sometimes smashing them.) Seeing as it’s Friday, take a little of that renegade spirit and push some boundaries this weekend. Go somewhere you haven’t been, strike up a conversation with a strangers, just shake things up in general. Go have a weekend you’ll be proud of on Monday.