1335 Frankford

Draft Latte Cans Are Here



We’re in awe this morning – the kind of awe that comes with the realization of a crazy dream and the achievement of a huge goal. Draft Latte cans are here, and they represent more than a delicious new drink. They represent months and months of hard work, research, taste tests, and inventions. With these cans, we’re seeking to fill a need – a need for higher-quality, healthier, tastier coffee drinks. Because we believe that America deserves better coffee.

When we launched the world’s first-ever Draft Latte last year, we quickly realized that it was going places and it needed our help to get there. We immediately started working on how to get it mobile, so that we could have the same frothy, delicious iced latte pouring on tap in our cafes – but in all the other spaces where life happens.

It wasn’t easy. We can’t tell you how many recipes we tasted, how many beta cans Todd poured for us, eagerly watching our faces to see how we liked it. Some days it felt like it just wasn’t possible – the can technology simply didn’t exist to get the texture we wanted. So we threw out the rule book and invented the technology to create a groundbreaking new beverage.

Draft Latte is a frothy combination of cold-pressed espresso and nutrient-rich, hormone-free milk, with only 1 cube of cane sugar in each can. Everything about this drink represents innovation – from the newly patented Innovalve can to the silky, microfoam texture inside.

For over 20 years, our ultimate passion and goal has simply been to make people happy with coffee. And this is our hope for Draft Latte.
