1335 Frankford

New Look, Same Coffee

Same great coffee you know and love, but with an all-new look. That’s right! Our Cornerstone, Alliance, and Organic coffees have been outfitted with new colors and designs, all while sticking with our same sustainable packaging.

Why the change? Because nothing is ever finished. We’re always evolving so we wanted to bring that same innovative mentality to our roasted coffee.

Now with a more vibrant and colorful palette, this packaging has some added information about origin, brand story, sustainability and brewing tips.

When it comes to sustainability, we’re using the same outer box which is fully recyclable and the labels are made with wind power and 30% post-consumer material. When you open the box, you will find your coffee beans inside a transparent airtight bag. The plastic bag is made from a mix of plastic, wood pulp, and a starch additive that promotes biodegradation. With this packaging, we are cutting our use of plastic and non-renewable fossil fuels nearly in half.

Want to learn more about our packaging. Learn more on the website.