1335 Frankford

Innovation Meets Nostalgia: Draft Style Chocolate Milk

Chocolate Milk, a staple of childhood. From glasses of milk filled with way too much chocolate syrup to lunch-time bartering in the cafeteria involving a Capri Sun and a carton of chocolate deliciousness. Our new Draft-Style Chocolate Milk is inspired by that nostalgia. A rich, creamy, nitro-infused twist on a beloved classic taste. But the story of this chocolatey obsession runs deep for our La Colombe family, with a journey that stems over 3 years.

Innovation Origin at Salmon St.

The idea of Draft Chocolate Milk surfaced in the walls of La Colombe 3 years ago as a way for our founders and innovation team to share their at-work projects their kids.

“We were making this for ourselves in Michigan and Salmon Street (Philadelphia) to take home to our families,” says CEO Todd Carmichael. The team experimented with the formula, using cocoa used in our popular Mocha Draft Lattes. Once it was finalized, it was filed away for safekeeping. The traditional Draft Lattes had just been released and the timing just didn’t seem right. It wasn’t until the Fresh Ideas cafe concept was revamped last year, that the right time finally presented itself.

Fresh Ideas in Cafe

Our Fresh Ideas Program is the small bridge that exists between our innovation and the marketplace, where we can test bold new products at our cafes coast-to-coast and watch people react in real-time.

As internal demand for the Draft Chocolate Milk rose, our team knew it was time to share the drink through Fresh Ideas.

After a successful trial run in our flagship cafe in Fishtown, Philadelphia, we expanded the availability of Draft Style Chocolate Milk to all 30 of our cafes across the country.

After seeing the success in our cafes, we officially decided to share the love and launch our first non-coffee canned draft beverage nationwide. A big step out of the world of coffee but into the world of making more delicious, textured beverages that we love.

Now Available for Chocolate-Lovers of All Ages

Here is where this journey is now of benefit to you.

Our Draft Chocolate Milk is a perfectly clean and lactose-free treat for chocolate loves of all ages with proteins, low sugar content, all-natural ingredients, and a Draft Latte-like frothiness that sets it apart from the rest.

Grab a can for yourself or the whole family or for the whole family with a little extra for yourself. Shop Draft Style Chocolate Milk on our website today.