DING DING DING! It’s the final round of the SCAA Coffee Championships and our Chicago roaster, James Gibbs will be competing in the U.S. Brewers Cup. This competition highlights the fine art of manual coffee brewing, and James’ work will be judged by skilled coffee tasters. We are fully confident that James will bring the heat when he competes on Friday, Feb. 20th at 11:15am PST. He will be brewing our Perci Geisha, a rare coffee with floral and fruity notes.
Later that day, our single-origin lead roaster, James Tooill, will be competing in the Cup Tasters Championship. In this competition, James will be given 8 sets of 3 coffees. In each set, two of the three are identical, while one cup contains a different coffee. James will have to select the unique coffee in each set, and will be scored on accuracy and speed. It’s just like the Sesame Street song, “One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other,” but played at double speed.
If you’re attending the Coffee Championships, visit La Colombe at the Barista Guild of America Café on Saturday from 12:30-2:30pm. We’ll be serving espresso drinks and giving out La Colombe swag. Get your tickets to the BGA Café here: http://uscoffeechampionships.org/bga-cafe-activities-socials/
For those of you in Chicago, join us at the roastery on Sunday, February 22nd, to watch James Gibbs’ performance! Enjoy free espresso and drip coffee drinks. The viewing party will take place from 11am-3pm at our Chicago roastery, at 2837 Fullerton.
It’s going to be a great weekend of fierce brewing. Best of luck to the Jameses!