1335 Frankford

FRIDAY: Public Cuppings at 1pm in NYC, Philly, DC, Chicago

Gotta cup ’em all! Come taste our coffees side-by-side and decide which ones you like best. A cupping is an organized coffee tasting that allows you to experience the differences in taste and aroma between multiple brews. This Friday at 1pm, join us for free public cuppings at the locations listed below. Our Coffee Gurus will guide you through an exploration of our coffee offerings, and not only will you be that much closer to being a coffee expert, you’ll also receive a 20% discount on your cafe purchases after the cupping.


1335 Frankford Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19125

Hudson Square
75 Vandam St.
New York, NY 10013

924 Rear N St. NW (Blagden Alley)
Washington, DC 20001

Logan Square
2837 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647