1335 Frankford

Paper or Mesh? Find Your Filter.

The way you filter your home brew can make or break your morning cup. As you get your daily coffee routine down to a science, you might want to experiment with different filtration methods to see which one you prefer.

There are two main ways to filter your coffee: paper and mesh. Paper filters make for a clean cup with no sediment and a lighter body. Clean up is easy: you just pull the filter and toss it on the compost heap. If you use paper filters and notice a papery taste to your coffee, wet the filter with water before you add the coffee and brew.

Mesh or cone filters are cool because they’re reusable and long-lasting. They generally let through a bit more sediment than paper filters, so your brew will have a fuller body when you drink it. While most home brewers probably use paper filters, you can find a mesh or cone filter that fits most pourover brewers.

Have a question about filters, brewers, or other coffee gear? Shoot an email to social@lacolombe.net.