Whoa, dude, it’s already the middle of November. Back in September, we launched our Travel To Origin Sweepstakes to win a trip to visit coffee farms and taste beans at their source and since then, the weeks have just been flying by. Now the trip winners have been selected, the flights have been booked, and in just a few days time, we’ll be heading to Haiti.
It’s been a minute since we’ve been down to the Haiti Coffee Academy in Thiotte (a town in the southeast) and we’re excited to see how things are going. This will be the first year that the Academy’s trees will produce some coffee for harvest and we’re pretty psyched about that. The Academy is currently run entirely by Haitians and a few solid harvests may help the project get to a place where it is entirely self-funded. It’s exciting, inspiring, and humbling to think about how, in just a few years, this derelict coffee farm was transformed into a vehicle of farmer education, resource support, and truly delicious coffee.
Here’s our Haiti plan: We’ll fly into Port-au-Prince and head straight for the mountains, ‘cause we can’t wait to taste that delicious coffee at its origin. We’ll spend a couple of nights in Thiotte, where we’ll also visit the coffee association that produces our ridiculously tasty Savan Zombi brew. Then it’s back to Port-Au-Prince, where we’ll kick around for a day before returning to Philly.
It’s going to be an amazing trip. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter to see what we get up to while we’re down there!
[shopify product=http://www.lacolombe.com/products/haiti-zombi] [shopify product=http://www.lacolombe.com/products/haiti-mare-blanche] [shopify product=http://www.lacolombe.com/products/rara]
1 comment
Keep up the good work you are doing!