1335 Frankford

Sincerely, From Haiti: Meet the Haiti Coffee Academy Micro-lot

Haiti is close to our hearts. Defined by its strength and resilience, Haiti has overcome extreme bouts of political instability, economic strife, and natural disaster. But no matter what, Haiti continues to shine with a passionate spirit and relentless optimism. Inspired by Haiti’s spirit, we partnered with the Clinton Foundation to help.

In 2013, we set up the Haiti Coffee Academy in the southeastern province of Tè Lonj. The goal was to reignite Haiti’s rich coffee history, which 200 years ago produced half of the world’s coffee. Through the Academy, we equipped farmers with materials and resources to increase their coffee production as a means to provide economic freedom for the people in their community.

The Academy is comprised of a 29-acre farm, including a nursery for fresh crops, a large supply of farming equipment, and an expanded clean water reservoir which dispenses fresh water to the local community. For crops, we planted coffee plants from Brazil that are built to thrive in Haiti’s unique geography. The strength of these plants allows Haitian farmers to increase the quality and quantity of coffee they produce while maintaining a diversified cropping system.

The farm also offers hands-on training programs to teach locals the basics of specialty coffee farming along with education on the ins-and-outs of the specialty trade along with space to process coffee.

The result: Our new Haiti Coffee Academy roast, a truly unique coffee bursting with notes of hazelnut, lime zest, and clove. A coffee like no other from a community like no other. We’re proud to share this roast with the world and beyond proud of the progress of our Haitian farmers. This coffee is a sign of Haiti’s endless coffee potential and exciting things to come from a community that inspires us all.

Purchase Haiti Coffee Academy Single-Origin through the link below and watch our video here to learn more about the story of the Haiti Coffee Academy.