We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you. We will be opening our first New York City roastery and ninth New York café at Whole Foods Market’s Bowery location on East Houston St. in late Fall.
The café is part of the Friends of Whole Foods Market program, which brings in outside chefs, culinary, and lifestyle brands to offer shoppers innovative in-store experiences.
- The Café Space: The 780 square-foot coffee bar, which was designed in collaboration with our café team, highlights the brand’s signature features like a mixture of woodwork, white marble, black granite, blackened steel, and subway tiles. Mirrors adorn the wall to reflect the café scene and pay tribute to the brand’s European heritage. All of these design elements are found in our 30 other cafés and reflect the our unique café experience
- The Café Offerings: We will offer our full café menu at the new location, plus baked goods by Brookyn-based The Good Batch. This includes our signature cold brew, Draft Latte and Oatmilk Draft Latte on tap, along with rotating on-the-bar offerings including our single-origin and beloved blends available in espresso beverages and drip. 12 oz boxes of La Colombe favorites including Corsica, Monaco, Nizza, Lyon, and Afrique will also be available for purchase at Whole Foods Markets, and a rotating selection will be available in the café space.
- The Roastery: The 783 square-foot space will be our first New York City roastery and will be roasting select coffee for regional wholesale accounts and for Whole Foods Markets.
- The Bowery Blend: The new roastery will debut its own blend, named after the neighborhood in which it will be roasted. The medium roast will have notes of baker’s chocolate, almond butter, and golden kiwi and will be available at www.lacolombe.com, our cafes, and select Whole Foods Market locations starting this fall.
This cafe is a continuation of our long standing partnership with Whole Foods Market that includes cafe locations in the Denver, and Boston areas, as well as nationwide availability of our ready-to-drink and roasted coffee products.
La Colombe Bowery will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily.
If you would like to join the La Colombe team, inquire here.