Recipe creator Alayna Horvath whips up a special chocolate and strawberry breakfast treat just in time for Valentine’s Day with this Coconut Mocha French Toast recipe.
Ingredients : Makes 3-4 Servings
1. French Toast
-6-8 pieces of bread depending on bread thickness
-2 eggs
-2/3 cup Coconut Mocha La Colombe Draft Latte
-1 tbsp flour of choice (optional-for batter stickiness)
-coconut oil for greasing the pan
2. Coco-Mocha Whipped Cream (there will be a lot of leftovers!)
-1 pint heavy whipping cream
-3/4 cup Coconut Mocha La Colombe Draft Latte (more/less for flavor
3. Toppings Recommendations
-sliced strawberries
-unsweetened coconut flakes
-mini chocolate chips
*Note: To make it easy, you will need at least 2 cans of La Colombe
Coconut Mocha lattes for this recipe.
1. Mix eggs, Draft Latte, & flour in a wider bowl till a batter is formed. Dip
bread slices in batter and soak in bowl (time soaking depends on
thickness of bread).
2. Heat a sauté pan on medium heat greased with coconut oil. Place
batter-soaked bread in pan till bread is crispy and batter is cooked.
Flip and cook the other side of the bread.
3. To make Coco-Mocha Whipped cream, pour the heavy whipping cream in a large bowl. Mix the latte in with the cream or wait to fold in
afterwards. Amount of latte depends on flavor preferences for the
whipped cream – I recommend starting with a 1/2 cup and adding 1 tbsp at
a time until preferred flavor is reached. 3/4 cup worked well for me.
4. Use an electric hand mixer with the cream mixture until desired
texture of whipped cream is reached (~8-10 min).
5. Top French Toast with whipped cream & other desired toppings. ENJOY!